our wallpapers

Only certified, proven materials supplied by renown suppliers are used for production of OneWallDesign™ wallpapers. SATIN is the trademark of high quality vinyl wallpaper with the structure of noble, satin fabric overlaid with imprints. Technical parameters of the wallpaper and our technology of digital printing guarantee the highest quality product. Two decades of experience in the sector and know-how make that our offer includes materials that guarantee perfect application. We do not accept the so called “paneling effect” in our products which is an obvious imperfection. The final product must meet the highest quality standards. It has the best resistance to wet and dry abrasion as well as sunlight. Both parameters are proven by tests and certificates.

technical data SATIN

TYPE II weight 480 g/m2
width 135 cm
assembly method - double cut
Hygienic certificate PZH
fire classification: B,s2,d0
Xenostest - grade 7 to 8 (durability excellent to outstanding)
Abrasion resistance EN ISO 105-X12 - KAT. A