
All displayed patterns can be prepared as wallpapers for wet areas using DigiWet technology. The system consists of four technical layers resistant to moisture and direct water exposure across the full temperature range.
NOTE: DigiWet in the presented form does not constitute waterproofing. Details are available in the technical data sheet, available from the distributor or manufacturer.
Intended use: bathroom, shower cabin, pool and spa area, public facilities.
Advantages: quick and efficient application, endless patterns and colors! Resistant to aggressive detergents, no grout, easy to clean, only 2 mm thick, reduces the load on buildings, suitable for all surfaces (can be applied over existing tiles).

This is a multilayer hydrophobic coating used for finishing exterior facades.
The system is characterized by high decorative value, extensive design possibilities, and excellent resistance to dirt and UV radiation. When properly applied, it guarantees a durable decoration resistant to weather conditions, mechanical damage, and dirt accumulation. The coating also conceals cracks and strengthens the surface it is applied to.
The system can be used on all types of substrates: concrete, plaster mortars, cement boards, thermal insulation system plasters, etc.